Michael (Fox) van der Linde

Feb 8, 2022

📣 Tracto update available (1.3.8)

Version 1.3.8

What's new?

In order to get the most out of our online Power-Up parenting courses, we recommend that parents install our free Tracto app which can be used to track relevant behaviors and figure out what is & isn't working in their approach to supporting their child.

These insights will allow parents to adapt course learnings and approaches to suit their family's unique needs.

The latest update makes it easier for parents to find the right Power-Up courses, at the right time, as well as start tracking course related behaviors.

1. Accessing Power-Up courses with even less effort

We've added a new 'Power-Up Courses' option on the main menu for easy access.

2. Recommending Power-Up courses, when parents need them most

We've added Power-Up course links to related condition and concern resources. We've also added links to relevant Power-Up courses in our tip screens which are presented to parents when a particular behavior has been consistently indicated as a concern.

3. Simplifying tracking of Power-Up course related behaviors

Each of our Power-Up courses cover topics which relate to specific behaviors and concerns that are trackable in Tracto. We've made it easier for parents who are enrolled in our Power-Up courses to start tracking their child's course related behaviors.

Each course has a new 'Use the free Tracto app for parents with this course' lecture with an activation link. When the activation link is selected, parents are now prompted whether they would like to start tracking the course specific recommended concerns.

To install this update, follow the links from our install page.

Your feedback matters

Thank you to all our parents and teachers who are providing amazing feedback on what works well, but also what does not work so well. Your feedback supports our vision of helping more children on their neurodiverse & mental health journey thrive.

Want to receive 50% discount on our courses?

Complete our 2 minute survey to receive a 50% discount coupon (amounting to R375 or $25) on our Tracto Power-Up online parent courses. The coupon is valid to the first 50 people to redeem it. Click 'Start Survey' below to complete our quick survey and get your discount coupon.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact us at support@tracto.app with any questions, gremlin (👹) sightings and feature suggestions. We'd love to hear from you.